Plays, poems, stories
My original writing encompasses plays, short stories, long and short poems, comedy and uncategorizable works. It is intelligent, sad and darkly funny. My play Google's Choice was shortlisted for the One Festival, another selected for public reading at the Space Theatre. Hundreds of Sparrows was in production for full stage performance. The Antic Notion has been made into a film.
Selected work:
Being Gay With You Is Like (poem in Philosophical Idiot)
Roulettade (poem in International Times)
OZYMANDIAS © BY DONALD J. TRUMP (comedy/poem in International Times)
Dramatis Personae (play/avant-garde) - new version published in Dark Mountain 11, performed at DM11 book launch 12 May 2017
The Antic Notion (short play - blog and full playscript / film adaptation by Duncan Ward)
The Sequel to 8 November 2016 (poem in International Times)
"Apart, we are together" (long poem)
The Library of Everything (short story)
Six Lovely People (short story)
Boys and Sculpture (short story)
Hundreds of Sparrows (short play)
Google's Choice (short play)
Ein Vereinigtes Königreich (A United Kingdom) (short play)
The Ectoplazm of Neoliberalism (humour, personal account, yoga)
The Fable of Yellow Black and White (humour)
A Haiku A Day (2-year project composing and publishing a new haiku every day)
Selected work:
Being Gay With You Is Like (poem in Philosophical Idiot)
Roulettade (poem in International Times)
OZYMANDIAS © BY DONALD J. TRUMP (comedy/poem in International Times)
Dramatis Personae (play/avant-garde) - new version published in Dark Mountain 11, performed at DM11 book launch 12 May 2017
The Antic Notion (short play - blog and full playscript / film adaptation by Duncan Ward)
The Sequel to 8 November 2016 (poem in International Times)
"Apart, we are together" (long poem)
The Library of Everything (short story)
Six Lovely People (short story)
Boys and Sculpture (short story)
Hundreds of Sparrows (short play)
Google's Choice (short play)
Ein Vereinigtes Königreich (A United Kingdom) (short play)
The Ectoplazm of Neoliberalism (humour, personal account, yoga)
The Fable of Yellow Black and White (humour)
A Haiku A Day (2-year project composing and publishing a new haiku every day)